4th Shore!
Happy 4th! Mother Nature sure cranked the heat for this one. So your best bet might be to head for the shore … here are a few WS favorite coastal excursions.
Week: 07.03.2024
Regions: Northern CA
To the Lighthouse
Bike to Historic Point Pinos Lighthouse Along the Monterey Coastal Recreation Trail

The Monterey Recreation Trail is one of America's most beautiful coastal experiences, accessible to bikers, strollers, rollers, and walkers. This 8-mile (round-trip) bike ride follows premier parts of the trail before detouring to Pacific Grove's storied Point Pinos Lighthouse.
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Jenner and Russian River Kayak
Jenner is enviably located smack dab where the Russian River meets the Pacific. And that's why it's one of the most perfect places to kayak in the Bay Area. Its compact size, diverse environment, and plentiful wildlife make it a must-do for anyone who likes to get out on the wate
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Black Sands Beach Upper Fishermans in the Marin Headlands
Nearly a mile of slate and black sand, expansive views of San Francisco, and just minutes from the Golden Gate Bridge, Marin's Black Sands Beach is the size of Baker Beach—without the crowds.
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